Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Corrects Woman To Say "Peoplekind" Because "Mankind" Is Offensive

HAHAHAHA come on Canada you clowns. Peoplekind? What? Seriously? Do you know how fucking dumb you sound? PEOPLEKIND!? Honestly it’s an incredible feat that Trudeau made it through this without losing his shit. Yeah he broke for a split second because the audience couldn’t believe what they were hearing but he was dead serious. It’s shocking. Peoplekind is the dumbest sounding shit I’ve heard since Portnoy tried to say “Macaulkay Culken.” I’m all for gender neutrality but not when it sounds this stupid. Sometimes you just have to use common sense. Sometimes it’s just what sounds right. You simply cannot replace the universally accepted term for all of humanity, “mankind,” with something as dumb as peoplekind. It’s humanity not “hupeoplenity.” Relax George Orwell. A little too much doublespeak going on these days. This is a big time step in the wrong direction. A shitty step for people, a shitty leap for peoplekind.

If you’re walking around getting triggered at “mankind” then you’re a lost cause. You will be offended by every single thing you see or hear. Forever. Ain’t no peoplekind going to change that.

PS — Peoplekind is so dumb I got it all confused for peoplespeak writing this which isn’t even close to a word.

PPS — They also changed their NATIONAL ANTHEM too to replace “sons” with “us.”

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